February News


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Very happy to be „artist of the month“ in the great literature broadcast „druckfrisch“, #ARD. Please enjoy the shortest piano piece I ever played in my musical life. Thank you to the editors of Andy Ammer for this nice accompanying text: “ The „druckfrisch“ musician of the month January will be Ulrike Haage, who will play her „Piano Psalm Number 6 / All Light“ for us on the prepared piano. Ulrike Haage has already been a free jazz musician (with FM Einheit & Phil Minton at GOTO), is a highly decorated radio play author and composer, has composed pop hits on tape with the Rainbirds, recently provided music for the entire Elena Ferrante soundtracks of the ARD or as well for the film „Berlin 1933 Diary of a Metropole“. Disclaimer: She has been working with the producer of „druckfrisch“ on radio play projects for three decades and has won every conceivable award (recently the Günter Eich Prize for her life’s work). Now finally solo and in person on television.“

No sooner is the mammoth production „Berlin 1933 – Diary of a Metropole“ completed than a new film score begins for „This programme is not a game“, by Regina Schilling (her latest film was #IgorLevit, #NoFear). An exciting reappraisal of the first true-crime format in Germany after the Second World War. The collaboration is wonderful and the music gets quite intense. Here, too, we work closely with image and music and try to find a musical power for the victims in this theme. Another challenging documentary that takes a critical look at the past in order to better understand today’s true crime formats.- In addition, I am continuing to work on the new solo album for organ and grand piano and am already looking forward to the recordings in this summer.