March news


The Biennale Innsbruck shows our radio space poem „A Funeral march for the First Cosmonaut“ as well as the radio play „Nacht“ based on texts by artist and poet Etel Adnan as installations in the Music Pavillon and on audio guides in the Servite Cloister. Each day during the Biennale at 2 pm you can listen to the pure music in the church of the Service Cloister for 30 minutes. A very lovely place to get peace and relaxation. People could listen to the radio play installations „Nacht“ and „A Funeral March for the First Cosmonaut“ by Etel Adnan with my music. Due to the Pandemie of Covid 19, only one person after the other was allowed to enter the show rooms. Here you see the Music Pavillon of Innsbruck. The Biennale Innsbruck had to close down 10 days after the opening.

In March I am also finishing my to date longest Filmscore for „Berlin 1945-Tagebuch einer Großstadt“. An important and touching film using unique footage, diaries & unknown reports from private people of several nations. This style to tell about the past is a way to deconstruct propaganda and show another truth through the eyes and words of people.