November news


„true stories“ @ Hörspieltage Karlsruhe. Tour through China with our Duo „stills“ (Haage / Meyer). This month my radio play „true stories“ is nominated for the ARD Hörspielpreis, together with 11 other wonderful productions. You can also vote for your favourite radio play here: Public Choice. Below find some impressions from the Berlin Jazzfest 2019. As a member – and a former winner 🙂 – of the Jury for the Albert Mangelsdorff Preis with this year’s awarded drummer Paul Lovens. Him and I first met 1988 both playing at the Nickelsdorfer Konfrontationen Festival. Time flies, memories stay.

November also brings our music „Stills“ to China, more precisely to Guangzhou, Shenzen and Beijing. In Beijing we will also give a workshop during the German Filmfestival together with Chinese composer Xiao He. It was a very interesting time in China, specially impressive were the size and distances in this huge fascinating country. I took some days off for research in the old emperor’s town Xi’an, the main capital of the Silk road in old days. China has still so many faces.