May news

My Composer’s residence ends with a concert in Isarfjördur. Lockbuch  wins the „Slabbèsz“ @ „Die Hörspieltage“. I am leaving Iceland with a bag full of new compositions. The film music for the recent film of documentarist Volker Koepp is written and brand-new piano compositions are going to be recorded during the summer. The impressions of Northern Iceland are still resounding in me.

Looking for new visions in the world of „Hörspiel“. The little Festival „Die Hörspieltage“ takes place near Vienna. I am introducing the radio play „Lockbuch“ and we win the fictional price „Slabbèsz“ for performance, realization and sound. I am meeting a lot of great radio-play colleagues. Intense discussions among professionals. See you all again next year, when this intense festival for audio-lovers will be open to the public. Be welcome.