Ulrike Haage bei Instagram

Ulrike Haage

February news

February news

Opening night of Wundernetz. Solo concert during the Neujahrsempfang of the GEMA @ DPG Berlin.

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January news

January news

„Ticket to Osaka“ @ Jazzfest Inbetween. Opening of Kunst/Natur Interventionen IV.

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December news

December news

Wundernetz in the MfN. Preparing „Ticket to Osaka“. Hauskonzert Haage|Meyer.

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November news

November news

DLF Kultur Nov 4: our award winning radio-play „Nacht“ & the making of the music.

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October news

October news

Landstück (Volker Koepp) on RBB, music: Haage. The Wundernetz Ensemble meets 4 the 1st time.

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September news

September news

The micro opera ‚Wundernetz‘ is taking shape. Our radio play ‚Nacht’ was awarded HdM.

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August news

August news

„Night“ will be digitally released on August 11. Solo piano concert on Fehmarn.

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July news

The film-clip of our concert @ Volksbühne Berlin is online. Recording with Mehmet Polat.

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June news

June news

„To the Lighthouse“ release on June 19. Guest lecture at Filmhochschule Babelsberg.

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May news

May brings solo piano concerts and exclusive short cuts of the concert premiere of Ulrike Haage & Christian Meyer.

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April news

April news

This month I am off to Puglia to work in solitude on the micro-opera „Wundernetz“ [see projects].

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March news

March news

Writing the music to the texts of the book Nacht by Etel Adnan. A production of Deutschlandradio, Berlin.

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February news II

Dear friends in Iceland and visitors of the Stockfish Filmfestival in Reykjavík, be warmly invited to attend my concert in the Green room on 1 march.

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February news

February brings the first concert of the Duo Haage/Meyer in the Roter Salon, Berlin Volksbühne.

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January news

January news

I wish you all a healthy, thought- and peaceful year of the red rooster, a noble and colorful sign of the chinese Zodiac!

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December news

December news

December brings a new collabroation of two old friends. The piano jazz poet Ulrike Haage and the electronic musician Christian Meyer form the duo CILS (French for eyelashes).

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November news

November news

Enjoy some Snapshots from a wonderful concert in the Halle 424 in Hamburg.

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Japan impressions III

Japan impressions III

Back to Tokyo and Kyoto via Kamakura.

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Japan impressions II

Japan impressions II

From Kyoto to Tokyo and Fukushima. “Grüsse aus Fukushima” premiers in Tokyo.

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Japan impressions I

Japan impressions I

My journey to Japan starts with the mountain monasteries of Koyasan …

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