Shock waves premieres on ARD television. Short time out. #Nature #walks. Preparing the Soundtrack release.

June news
Final spurt for the documentary #Schockwellen. Finishing the music for the radio adaption of #ElenaFerrante #MeinegenialeFreundin.
May News
Composing for the image film #Soroptimist International. Radio portrait on NOWJazz, SWR2, may 21.
April news
First 2021 Piano Solo livestream in the club #Mastul, Berlin. Nomination of #MeinegenialeFreundin for German #Hörbuchpreis 2021.
March News
#Gema Musikautor*innen Preis 2021 #authorshonorauthors & concert @ #mastulsessions
Artist Chiharu Shiota invites Haage & Meyer to play in her exhibition „I HOPE…“at #Koeniggalerie, Berlin.

A wonderful Xmas present for #audiobook lovers. Elena Ferrante’s Saga as a radio play adaption.
„Hyperbolische Körper“ wins audience prize #ARDHörspieltage. Solo Concerts postponed (2nd Lockdown).

July news
Physical release of the OST Berlin 1945 Tagebuch einer Großstadt. As a guest on the show Leute at SWR1.

June news
Premiere of our radio play Hyperbolische Körper on HR2. Premiere of the song Wild Swan on DLF.

May news
Deeply moving documentary Berlin 1945 Tagebuch einer Großstadt. A 180-minutes film. Himmelsbaum live in May.

March news
Finishing my to date longest Filmscore for „Berlin 1945 – Tagebuch einer Großstadt“. Biennale Innsbruck shows „A Funeral march for the First Cosmonaut“.

February news
Finale radio play „Sprache mein Stern“. Preparations for „Himmelsbaum“ release in full swing. Concert @ A-Trane.